Got done early at work, so met Betsy and Colvin over at Belle Haven Park to go for my long run. Betsy was planning on starting with me for the first 4 miles, then I would finish off the remainder by myself. Unfortunately, the trail had a lot of snow still on it making it difficult to pus the jogging stroller, which was made more difficult by the high winds. The real kicker was that by the turnaround point (2.5 miles) the blister that has been blossoming on my left big toe became really painful. By the time I finished 5 miles, it was close to bleeding and bright red, which kept me from finishing the long run. The original plan was to go through the run tomorrow, but after looking at it when I got home, it might keep me from running for a few days. We will wait and see I guess...
Donation Totals
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Treadmill 'Track' Workout.
Because of the terrible weather (it was sleeting and there were still a couple inches of snow on the ground), I was forced to do my track workout indoors on a treadmill over in the NRL gym. It actually wasn't too bad; close proximity to a slightly ajar window kept me cooler and had my Ipod to keep me motivated. Furthermore, my last two track workouts have been plagued but subpar 800 times, so by doing an interval workout on the treadmill, I could set the pace to ensure that I was pushing myself. The workout was 5x800 with a 400 jog following each effort. Started off with a 1 mile warmup at 8:36 pace, then got off and stretched and got going on the workout shortly thereafter. Kept my 800 times at 3:15 pace (9.3 mph) and finished all five in good form. I took the jogs at a 6.6 mph pace (about 9 min/mile) and then did a cool down mile in 8:41. Overall I felt pretty good throughout, although I labored a bit on the second half of the last 800. What was fairly disconcerting is the worsening of the blister on my left foot right where my big toe meets my foot. It has opened up a bit more and was painful to walk on following the workout. I may be forced to take tomorrow off to ensure that I will be good to go for a 4 miler on Friday and my long 16 miler on Sat morning.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Recovery and Technique Spinervals Trainer Workout.
Got up early, hit snooze, then lay in bed cursing myself for being lazy, but reminding myself it was really F'N cold outside of bed, then finally watched Betsy get up to go do tye bo, then lay in bed a bit longer, cursing myself even more before finally getting up, throwing on the bike clothes and hopping on the trainer. After my tempo run out in the cold, I wanted to get in an easy day, so I did the recovery and technique spinervals workout. Kept my heart rate low through the one legged drills and super spin sets. Great recovery effort!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Tempo run at Bolling Air Force Base.

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Windy and Cold... Perfect for a long run!
Got out this morning for my 14 miler, felt pretty good despite the 15 mph winds (>25 mph gusts) and 30 degree temps! Got going trying to keep the pace somewhere around 8:15 to 8:30 min/mile and maintained that pretty well, with the exception of mile 7 where there was a hill with 14% grades. Beat me down a bit and slowed that mile down to about a 9:00 min/mile pace, and even needed to walk for a brief second before getting going again. Overall maintained a 8:22 pace, with miles in 8:05, 8:13, 8:35, 8:43, 8:37, 8:26,9:02, 8:25, 8:15, 8:12, 8:24, 8;05, 8:03, and finishing at 7:31 min/mile. Did end up with some serious chaffage and some bad blisters, but happy with the effort overall! Much better than my 12 miler last weekend...
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Lunchtime Run with Mike P
Got out today at lunchtime with Mike P for a nice 10k run. Started off at an moderate pace, keeping about an 8:15 min/mile rate. Got going a bit quicker from there, pushing up to a 8:00 min/mile pace for most of it. Did fall back to about a 9:00 min pace for the big hill, but picked it back up again on the back half. Overall, kept paces of 8:11, 8:04, 8:52, 8:13, 8:01, 8:11 finishing the last 0.15 miles at a 7:31 min/mile pace. Good run overall, enjoyed the conversation and company and gave a great break up to the day.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Hitting the road with Jon!
Yesterday I went out for Mike Papantonakis' Baby Daddy's last day, hitting brunch at Tunnicliff's at Eastern Market, followed by some beers, tequila and bar food at Ugly Mug's on Capital Hill for the Eagles' and Cardinal's Championship game. Drank a enough to get a little waxed, then took the metro home to Southern Metro Station where I was propositioned for a 'good time' while I waited for Betsy to pick me up. Extra bonus points because she told me Betsy could join! Anyway, with that being my day yesterday, I of course didn't get in a run, but despite a very minor hangover got in a nice 4 miler with Jon this morning! Hit the road trying to keep the pace around 8 min miles, however, after a first mile in 8:15, we steadily upped the pace to 7:52, 7:51 and then finally 7:37 min/miles before finishing the final 0.1 miles at a 7:30 min/mile pace. Felt pretty good with the exception of some slight stomach discomfort. Further, unlike the past couple runs, my hips didn't seem to get significantly sore from the effort, so that is a plus. Either way, will be going for a nice tempo run tomorrow!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Long Run with Jon Smith!
Our friend Jon came into town for the Inauguration, so the two of us go going this afternoon for a 12 miler around the house. Jon, a five-time marathon and two-time Ironman finisher is a buddy of ours from Florida who just came back from a number of years working in Japan to come back to the States to start Law School at Yale! Anyway, we got out for a great run, keeping about an 8:40 pace overall, however, the last two miles or so really did me in. Finished the miles in 8:38, 8:37, 8:46, 8:43, 8:46, 8:37, 8:35, 8:22, 8:38, 8:36, 8:50 and finishing with 8:30 min/mile. I keep getting blisters on my left foot, so I keep wondering what to do to avoid such issues...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Spinervals Recharge Trainer workout!
After a pretty tiring track workout yesterday and jury duty this morning (all of the trials got pled out by 2PM so I got to leave a bit early) and the fact that is was about 200 degrees below zero today with a heavy wind, I thought it best to finally get my first trainer workout of the new year in. So I got the bike set back up and eased into bike work with the recharge workout from Spinervals. Took it nice and easy, just trying to get some spinning in to loosen up. Tomorrow I am planning on getting in the 6.2 mile Oxon Hill Farm 10k so just wanted to get the legs moving, not kill myself. Felt pretty good with the exception of my calves cramping from time to time. Hopefully this workout got that all worked out!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Track workout with Mike P!
Took off at lunch today to meet Mike P over at Bolling AFB track for a bit of a track workout. Following a mile warmup, got into the workout which was 4x[800 @ 5K pace, 100 jog, 300 hard]. I finished the 800s in 3:29, 3:26, 3:28, 3:31 and the 300s in 1:10, 1:13, 1:15, 1:14, finishing off with a nice 1/2 mile cool down before heading over to the Bolling Fitness Club to shower before heading back to work. Was really laboring on the last set, but overall it went pretty well. Still having trouble with the blister under my big toe on my left foot. Hopefully it just goes away soon! Anyway, with Jury Duty tomorrow (BLAH!) I will probably be forced to have an offday. We will see...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Recovery run with Betsy!
Tonight was a BIG NIGHT! Betsy and I left Cole at Auntie Elana's while we went for a run! It was his first time having a babysitter! Anyway, got out on the Mt Vernon trail for a quick 4 miler with Betsy. Kept it nice and easy, keeping the pace between 8:30 and 9:00 min/mile. Good run overall, although it certainly felt a bit more difficult than it should have been.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Sunday Tempo!
Got out during a Cole nap for a four mile run. I got going trying to start at an 8:15 min/mile pace and completing each of the next two successive miles dropping 30 seconds per mile. I finished the miles in 8:09, 7:42 and 7:15, so it was a resounding success! Took in the final mile and a 1/4 as a cool down, keeping the pace 8:25 min/mile. Felt pretty good the whole way, despite the blister on my left big toe that finally broke open during the first mile. After barely sleeping at all last night, felt that this went pretty well.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Long run with the family!
Got out for my 10 mile run today, but had the added benefit of running with Betsy and Cole (in the jogging stroller) for part of it. We started off together, keeping about an 8:30 min/mile pace, stopping at mile 4 at the house so I could run inside and get some vaseline as I was having a bit of a raw nip! Because Betsy was only running another mile, I grabbed a leash and hopped out on the road with Trinity as well. Took off again, putting in another 1/2 mile together before leaving Betsy and Cole to finish the final 6.5 miles on my own. From that point forward I kept up a pretty strong pace, maintaining the same pace for the rest of the run, with the exception of mile 9, which included a 10% grade hill, slowing me down to 8:47 min/mile and then the final mile where I put in a really strong finish, completing the mile in 8:02. I completed the miles in 8:34, 8:28, 8:30, 8:43, 8:55, 8:38, 8:36, 8:32, 8:4 and, 8:02 min/mile. It was a decent run overall.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
This years effort...
Hey Everyone!
Well it was another hugely successful year! Overall our 38 donors raised $5,409 total, with $3,378 going to the American Cancer Society and $2,030 going to the Alzheimer's Association! This was based on my total charity miles of 5,456! This is the most money we have ever raised in the 3 years of doing this! That brings us to this year...
This past November, Betsy joined me for a conference in New Orleans, where we met up with a good buddy of mine, Steve Kogos and his girlfriend Elizabeth, for lunch. It was at this time that he told me about the struggle of Mary Payton Vigil (picture below), the 5 year old daughter of his friend Joe. In January of 2008, Mary Payton was diagnosed with Late Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (LINCL) also known as Batten's Disease. This is a genetic metabolic disorder causing her to be deficient in a specific enzyme. This deficiency causes her to suffer from mental impairment, seizures and a progressive loss of sight and motor skills. To this date, no child has survived, with most succumbing to its effects between the ages of 8 and 12.
There is some hope! There is a number of experimental procedures, such as gene replacement therapy, that have shown some promise in halting the progression of the disease. Mary Payton underwent one of these treatments in China this past summer and has shown some signs of slowing the progression. Through her father's tireless efforts, Mary Payton, along with 4 other children afflicted with this disease, was then accepted for the gene replacement therapy treatment, an experimental procedure, which holds some progress for stopping the progression of this disease!!! However, the difficult thing is that these five families need to collectively come up with about $4 Million dollars to attempt this procedure.
This caused Joe, Mary Payton's father to form the Mary Payton's Miracle Foundation, which is designed to raise money for the Batten Disease Support & Research Association, which provides funds to the families of those afflicted with this terrible disease for the above mentioned experimental procedures, also financial support to families for disease related costs, such as wheelchairs, medical supplies and missed work and travel, as well as funding the many research efforts that are ongoing, such as the gene replacement therapy mentioned above. This is a 501(3)(c) charity, so all donations are fully tax deductible.
Therefore, this year I think we all have a wonderful opportunity to see our collective assistance have an immediate impact on the lives of families in the fight of their life. As a new parent, I can't even contemplate watching my young child struggling in a fight for his/her life. That is the struggle Joe and his wife Nikki are currently fighting, this fight is the fight that Mary Payton is fighting every day. Hopefully you will join me this year and support me in Riding for a Cause!
Again, if you would like to sponsor me, just reply to this email and let me know whether you would like to sponsor me so much per mile, to challenge me to earn your donation or if you would prefer to make a flat donation. In the case of the former, you can also set a maximum limit to make sure I don't (as my buddy Phil at work said) 'ride you into the poorhouse'! This year I intend to put in another 5000 charity miles, including finishing a marathon, a century ride and a couple triathlons. This year, if you are making a flat donation, you can decide if you would like to submit it immediately, sometime during the year or at the end of the year; whatever works best for you.
Thank you again for all your continued support. This program has only been successful because of the support all of you have provided. As always, if you would like to participate, but you would prefer to support another charity closer to your heart, just let me know and we can make arrangements for that as well.
Josh Caldwell
Well it was another hugely successful year! Overall our 38 donors raised $5,409 total, with $3,378 going to the American Cancer Society and $2,030 going to the Alzheimer's Association! This was based on my total charity miles of 5,456! This is the most money we have ever raised in the 3 years of doing this! That brings us to this year...
This past November, Betsy joined me for a conference in New Orleans, where we met up with a good buddy of mine, Steve Kogos and his girlfriend Elizabeth, for lunch. It was at this time that he told me about the struggle of Mary Payton Vigil (picture below), the 5 year old daughter of his friend Joe. In January of 2008, Mary Payton was diagnosed with Late Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (LINCL) also known as Batten's Disease. This is a genetic metabolic disorder causing her to be deficient in a specific enzyme. This deficiency causes her to suffer from mental impairment, seizures and a progressive loss of sight and motor skills. To this date, no child has survived, with most succumbing to its effects between the ages of 8 and 12.
There is some hope! There is a number of experimental procedures, such as gene replacement therapy, that have shown some promise in halting the progression of the disease. Mary Payton underwent one of these treatments in China this past summer and has shown some signs of slowing the progression. Through her father's tireless efforts, Mary Payton, along with 4 other children afflicted with this disease, was then accepted for the gene replacement therapy treatment, an experimental procedure, which holds some progress for stopping the progression of this disease!!! However, the difficult thing is that these five families need to collectively come up with about $4 Million dollars to attempt this procedure.
This caused Joe, Mary Payton's father to form the Mary Payton's Miracle Foundation, which is designed to raise money for the Batten Disease Support & Research Association, which provides funds to the families of those afflicted with this terrible disease for the above mentioned experimental procedures, also financial support to families for disease related costs, such as wheelchairs, medical supplies and missed work and travel, as well as funding the many research efforts that are ongoing, such as the gene replacement therapy mentioned above. This is a 501(3)(c) charity, so all donations are fully tax deductible.
Therefore, this year I think we all have a wonderful opportunity to see our collective assistance have an immediate impact on the lives of families in the fight of their life. As a new parent, I can't even contemplate watching my young child struggling in a fight for his/her life. That is the struggle Joe and his wife Nikki are currently fighting, this fight is the fight that Mary Payton is fighting every day. Hopefully you will join me this year and support me in Riding for a Cause!
Again, if you would like to sponsor me, just reply to this email and let me know whether you would like to sponsor me so much per mile, to challenge me to earn your donation or if you would prefer to make a flat donation. In the case of the former, you can also set a maximum limit to make sure I don't (as my buddy Phil at work said) 'ride you into the poorhouse'! This year I intend to put in another 5000 charity miles, including finishing a marathon, a century ride and a couple triathlons. This year, if you are making a flat donation, you can decide if you would like to submit it immediately, sometime during the year or at the end of the year; whatever works best for you.
Thank you again for all your continued support. This program has only been successful because of the support all of you have provided. As always, if you would like to participate, but you would prefer to support another charity closer to your heart, just let me know and we can make arrangements for that as well.
Josh Caldwell
Just RUUUUNNNN-in in the Rain...
I worked from home today on this day of most foul freezing rainy weather. There was finally a break around 2pm, so I got my stuff on and hit the road. I needed to go to the post office to mail out a couple packages, so I ran there first, sent the packages and then got started. I was trying to maintain about an 8 min/mile pace for the 5 mile or so run and did just that, keeping my miles in 8:13, 8:08, 8:07, 8:06, 8:06 then finishing the final 1/3 of a mile at an 8:16 min/mile pace. Felt kind of lethargic for most of the run, seeing my heart rate up in the 165-170 range for most of it, but overall it was a fairly decent run. Looking forward to a track practice over at Bolling tomorrow!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Evening run with Spanky

My buddy Mark (a.k.a. Spanky, a.k.a. Ben) is in town for business, so after work the two of us met up and took off for about a four mile run. We started at his Hotel in Crystal City, heading out toward the Pentagon, then up the hill toward the Air Force Memorial, where we took a quick break to take in the view, before heading back down into Crystal City towards his hotel. We averaged 9 min miles overall, finishing the miles in 9:20, 9:35, 8:52, 8:56, then the last 1/4 mile at 8:35 min/mile pace. Good run that we finished off with a beer at his hotel... mmmm carbo loading...
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Daddy Son-Day run...
I was originally hoping to take Cole for a run with me today, but the weather was in the low to mid 30's, so after spending the morning outside walking around Eastern Market on Capital Hill, I decided I would wait until he went down for a nap. I just wanted to get some miles in, keeping it fairly easy, somewhere between 8:30 and 8:45 min/mile. I maintained the desired pace, finishing miles in 8:32, 8:45, 8:54, 9:11 (which included a 0.4 mile hill with 13% grade), 8:43, 8:33, then 8:18 min. Felt ok, had a big lunch, so was still pretty full leading into the run, so wasn't expecting a PR! Anyway, good successful run!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Starting off the New Year!
My parents left this morning after we all slept in a bit later than usual. This afternoon Betsy and I decided we wanted to get out for a run, so we bundled the little guy up, popped him in the running stroller and hit the road! Betsy only wanted to do 4 miles, while I was planning on six, so we did the loop through Accokeek together, until we got within about a 1/4 mile of our house, where I took off going the other way. Got the 3.78 miles in together, going at 8:33, 8:27, 8:15 and the final 3/4 mile at a 8:24 pace, before taking off by myself for another 2.36 miles with paces of 8:02, 7:49 and the final 1/3 of a mile at 7:56 min/mile. Felt ok most of the way, labored a bit more than I might have wanted, but considering the slack I have had running, it wasn't so bad.
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2010 Efforts!
This year, like last year, I will be riding for Mary Payton's Miracle - My friend Steve Kogos from Trigators informed me that his friend Joe's daughter, Mary Payton, was diagnosed a number of years back with Late Infantile Batten Disease. This is a disease with no cure, however, there are special experimental (and extremely expensive) treatments which have shown some significant signs of success! In order to assist with the costly treatments and research, Mary Payton's Miracle was created to raise money to find a cure, hopefully in time to save little Mary Payton as well as the many others affected by this terrible disease!
Total Mileage
Current Challenges
Valid 2/1-12/1/2009