Donation Totals

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Afternoon 'recovery' run turns fast!

Well, I am planning on getting up early to do my long run on the Mt. Vernon Trail tomorrow, so I was planning to get out for a recovery workout this afternoon. Actually, I was originally supposed to meet up with Mike P to do a track workout this morning at 11, but Cole had a rough night sleeping, keeping Betsy and I up until around 1AM. Therefore, it was a tiring day at work and with the long run (18-20 miles) looming tomorrow I opted out of the track work for a recovery run. However, when I got home from work and hit the road, my body decided to tell me that I should have done track as I was just lightly running, feeling really good yet finished the first mile in 7:49. I still didn't want to push too much with the long run tomorrow, so I just kept the nice steady pace, but found that I finished the next two miles in 7:33 each. Being that I knew I was close to setting a PR, I pushed that last mile to see if I couldn't set a new personal record for that course, knocking out a 7:21 mile before finally finishing the last 0.1 at a 5:50 min/mile pace! Felt fantastic and set a PR by 3 secs finishing in 30:26. We will see how this works in with my run tomorrow, but for now it feels great!

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2010 Efforts!

This year, like last year, I will be riding for Mary Payton's Miracle - My friend Steve Kogos from Trigators informed me that his friend Joe's daughter, Mary Payton, was diagnosed a number of years back with Late Infantile Batten Disease. This is a disease with no cure, however, there are special experimental (and extremely expensive) treatments which have shown some significant signs of success! In order to assist with the costly treatments and research, Mary Payton's Miracle was created to raise money to find a cure, hopefully in time to save little Mary Payton as well as the many others affected by this terrible disease!

Total Mileage

Current Challenges

Valid 2/1-12/1/2009