Got up kind of early... well slept in until 6:45, and after some breakfast and a cup of coffee, got everything in the car and took off to the Indian Head Rail Trail with the little dude. We got going and I quickly noticed that Cole was in direct sun and probably would be the entire trip out (13 miles). Anyway, we ended up having to take a short trip off the trail to the local country store to get some sunscreen for him. But even with the hill, it wasn't too bad of an offcut, especially since it made sure Cole wouldn't get a sunburn. We continued on the rest of the trail and had a great ride, with Cole spending his time saying "go dada goooo dada" and "Yea Dada" when he wasn't playing music on his electronic piano. Stopped a couple times to give him some sports beans and water or for a quick peepee. Had a rough last mile or so, but otherwise had a really great ride.
Donation Totals
Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Morning 'Long' run with Betsy and Cole.
Initially Cole and I were going to go for a bike ride on the Indian Head Rail Trail, but with the weather being fairly cool and a bit less humid than the last few days, we decided to get in a run after all. Betsy, being pregnant and all, needed to keep a slower pace, so I kept the first four miles as a recovery run, although there were a couple times when Cole and I would do an extra out and back and we would need to run to catch up to Betsy, which Cole LOVED! Later we also saw a poor turtle that had been run over, but was still alive. Poor thing must have been suffering terribly. We waited around trying to find a rock so we could put it out of its suffering, but a truck came by and agreed to do it for us. It was a heartwrenching episode. Poor thing. Anyway, we continued on our run and luckily Cole decided he wanted to stay running with dada, so Betsy got a bit of a break while we finished the last 3.25 miles. Overall, 8:30-9:00 min/mile pace with Betsy, but then dropped it down to the 7:50 min/mile range, finishing up at Al's where Cole got to see the goats and chat with Al!
Lunchtime run at Bolling with Mike P and Josh A.
Took off after a meeting over to Bolling to get in a lunchtime 10k run while the weather was still 'cool', at least in comparison to the last few days. Got started and felt ok, not great, but ok and once again construction slightly changed our running path. Not too terrible, but we took it realy easy at the start, only putting in 8:30 min/mile for the four miles before picking up the pace to about 8:05 or so. None of us really felt too fantastic, but still finished strong, with the final quarter mile at an 8:03 min/mile pace. Glad to get in a run period with how things went earlier this week. Am starting to figure out my race schedule... more to come soon.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Crappy, crappy, crappy run...
Too much to drink Sat night, donated blood Mon afternoon, felt feverish and sick to my stomach Tues morning and then when I finally got to run on Wed evening it was a sweaty/humid 90 degree night, doesn't really add up to the best conditions for a run, especially since I haven't been out since last Sat and that was biking. Anyway, led me to have a few walks sprinkled in there and just general lethargy. Ugh... need to get used to this with the summer coming...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Biking with Cole!
Wow, I forgot what a difference that bike trailer makes in the effort level required! We started off at the Pavilion (where our race will start) and took the Indian Head Rail Trail all the way to the end in White Plains. Great ride and lots of fun. Cole and I sung some songs, stopped a couple times for pee pee breaks, waved hi hi to all the people we passed and just generally had a great time together! Funny, but I forgot to pump up the tires on the bike trailer so it led to some really tough riding until I realized and pumped the tires up! Of course once I did that my avg jumped from 15 mph or so to 17.5 mph! EIther way it was a great ride and we got to stop by one of our sponsors, Up the Creek Rentals right after too! Beautiful site!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Running with the Boy on Mt Vernon
Betsy has been in dire need of a massage for awhile now, and with her now pregnant, she knew that pretty soon she wouldn't be able to lay on her stomach to get one. So we planned to meet at Mt Vernon so Cole and I could go running while Betsy went and got her massage. Had a reasonable run, Cole eating lunch while I ran, but had to stop a couple times to make sure he ate and then stopped to stretch at the half way mark since I was so tight. Did get to enjoy a fun 20 min or so watching the ducks with Cole afterwards though!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Saturday Morning Ride
Saturday Ride with Josh A! After planning a couple times for a weekend ride that fell apart, Josh A and I finally got together for a morning ride. I got started with a flat tire on my front wheel that I had to fix before we got going, but other than that things went pretty well. Headed down and did Mitchell Rd, Rose Hill, Bumpy Oak and then the Indian Head Rail Trail before heading home. Felt really good the whole way, despite a pretty stiff breeze. Great ride.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Lunchtime Run with Mike P at Bolling.
Two days in a row for Bolling, and with the showers closed I believe this is going to become a new trend! So I have officially added it as a favorite route and today was a PR. Overall, we set a good pace in the light rain, finishing in 49:18 for the 6.33 miles, finishing with a 7:47 min/mile pace. Good run, great company and good fun...
Monday, May 10, 2010
Lunchtime run with Mike P at Bolling
Well NRL officially has closed the shower room in the gym, so no more running from NRL until it reopens. Still wanting to get a run in, Mike and I went over to Bolling for our lunchtime run. We did the six mile loop that I have been doing the last few times I went to Bolling and it went pretty well, finishing the 6 1/3 mile loop in 50:43 for a 8 min/mile average. Super windy and fairly chilly, but otherwise great weather for running!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Trying out the new trail!
Last time I went mountain biking over at Rosaryville State Park I found a flier lying on the ground that outlined a connection between Chapman's Landing's Marsh Trail over by Mt Aventine Mansion, the Indian Head Rail Trail and Power Line Rd over by Rt 224. It looked really interesting and it was supposed to be 8 miles, but it wasn't the most ideal trail for running, with lots of trenches missing from the trail due to erosion, tons of gravel and then 1/3 of the course being on paved roads, but it wasn't terrible by any stretch of the imagination either! Throughout the run I came across a turkey, 3 deer and two hawks as well! Had to dip out of the way a number of times to avoid tree limbs, but not too shabby... Overall I ran an 8:20 min/mile pace.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Family Morning Run!

Well as the first installment of Betsy's mother's day present, I was taking Cole for the day while Betsy was going out with friends. But before starting we all went out together for a family run for the first time in months. We took it pretty easy, having to stop a couple times for Betsy to catch her breath (pregnancy takes a bit out of you I hear!), but overall finished keeping the pace in the vicinity of 8:20 or so. At one point I ran out a side street while Betsy took a breather and walked, but for the most part we were together the whole way. After finishing the 4.25 miles together, Cole decided he was done, so I kept on going by myself finishing with a total of 6 miles, speeding up a bit so that I finished with an average of 8:10 min/mile. Afterwards Cole and I took the metro to the Mall and he got to sit in a bunch of military vehicles, from helicopters to humvees and I found out that a picture of me is being used for promotional purposes by NRL! How cool!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Lunchtime run with the Mikes.
Got off to an easy start, and the after Mike #2 turned around after the bridge, we only picked it up slightly, despite it feeling like much faster. It was really hot, much hotter than it seemed or I thought it was supposed to be, which certainly added to the issue. Overall it was a good recovery run, nothing to complain about.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Mountain biking at Rosaryville
Got up early this morning and drove over to Rosaryville to find I had the park to myself! Had a great ride, getting in the extension and having a surge of confidence on a great deal of the technical section too, even setting a new PR for the course. Don't have much to write, but it sure is great to have a park to yourself! After I finished, I explored a bit over by where the Bike Doctor Customer Appreciation ride started too, getting in an extra 2 miles too.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Easy run on the treadmill.
I didn't get out at lunch time today (won't get to tomorrow either) so I planned on running with the doodlebug when I got home from work. Unfortunately, Cole decided tht wasn't in his itinerary for the afternoon and therefore I had to reschedule. The treadmill would have to do! Considering the intense humidity and 80 degree weather outside in comparison to the cool basement, it actually wasn't as bad as I anticipated, plus it forced me to maintain an easy pace for the recovery run, rather than my typical over effort in spite of myself. Overall I finished 4 miles at an 8:18 min/mile pace, keeping a pace of 8:20 most of the way before kicking in at 7:30 for the final quarter mile. Good run. Hopefully I can get back outside tomorrow!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Josh + Bike + Sun + Wind = Ugh...
I went out for a long ride, planning on putting in 46 miles overall, although that plan didn't even last until the start of the ride! I felt pretty rough and I was heading directly into a stiff head wind, so I reworked the route to get rid of some extra mileage, figuring that heading straight south would cut the distance down to about 40. By the time I got to Indian Head I had to take a breather and stretch out before getting going again. At least once I started back up I had a tail or cross wind most of the way! However, it was soooo hot! The bank sign actually read 92 in the sun and there was very little shade on the ride. So rather than feeling pretty good most of the way (I did avg 18.2 mph), instead I felt overheated and really rough. Based on the conditions I decided to cut short again, or at least I attempted to. I actually ran out of fluids with about 10 miles to go, so I had to stop and get a couple bottles of water before getting going again. It was amazing what a difference water made! Either way, I got home really late since the ride still worked out to 40 miles, despite the modifications made. Glad to get out, but man do I need to remember to get out in the morning before it gets too hot!
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2010 Efforts!
This year, like last year, I will be riding for Mary Payton's Miracle - My friend Steve Kogos from Trigators informed me that his friend Joe's daughter, Mary Payton, was diagnosed a number of years back with Late Infantile Batten Disease. This is a disease with no cure, however, there are special experimental (and extremely expensive) treatments which have shown some significant signs of success! In order to assist with the costly treatments and research, Mary Payton's Miracle was created to raise money to find a cure, hopefully in time to save little Mary Payton as well as the many others affected by this terrible disease!
Total Mileage
Current Challenges
Valid 2/1-12/1/2009