Starts with the warmup, easy 32-15, then 3x30s 53-13 w/ 30s 32-15 easy in between, one leg drills, 2x[53-12 each leg for 1 min], high cadence drill, 3x30s >120 RPM 53-15, Time Trial simulation, 5 min 100 RPM 53-19, 4 min 100 RPM 53-17, 3 min 100 RPM 53-15, 2 min 90 RPM 53-13, 1 min 80 RPM 53-12, with rest in between of decreasing length , one leg drills again 45 sec each leg, 53-12, high cadence set #2, >120 cadence 39-15, second time trial simulation set, 3 min 95 RPM 53-19, 2 min 95 RPM 53-15, and then 1 min at 80 RPM 53-12 with recovery of decreasing length in between each set, and then the final set of the workout, sprints at 3x30s [10s 53-19 110RPM, 10s 53-15 105RPM, 10s 53-12 95RPM]. Really tough workout, tired me out pretty good. Got on when Cole was napping, however found out that apparently working out in the basement wakes the little guy up! So need to figure this out a bit more in the future. Either way, it was a great workout and it feels good to get back into the swing of things!
Donation Totals
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
First bike ride since OCTOBER!
Got home earlier this afternoon from Betsy's mom's house and finally got a chance, despite the real chilly weather to go for a short bike ride after watching the end of the Virginia Tech 17-14 victory over UVA! Got out for a very short ride, only about 18 miles, but it was good to get back out on the bike outside. Missing the road. Hopefully I can get out for another ride tomorrow too!
Monday, November 24, 2008
doctors visit
Went to the doc today and had him look at my knee. Thankfully he only thinks that is is tendinitis. Told me to take a week off, take the anti-inflammatory he prescribed and to where a knee brace. Will hopefully be able to do a trainer workout tomorrow night. Will update tomorrow!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Test run
Decided to leave Colvin with his 'Auntie' Elana for the first time without Betsy or I present so that we could head out for a short run. I was really interested to test my knee and see how it was doing. Unlike the 6 miler in NO, this time, it didn't really hurt initially, but instead started to hurt after about 3/4 of a mile and steadily got worse. It got bad enough that after about 2 miles, I had to stop for a short period to rest my knee before hitting the road again. I have my doctors appt tomorrow at noon, so hopefully I can get some closure on this issue and get healed so I can hit the road again...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Morning run through New Orleans Garden District!

Monday, November 10, 2008
OBX Marathon Race Report.

Our day started at the crack of 5:00 AM, and
The race started with a bang, with Greg and I finding a comfortable pace at about 10 min/mile. I apparently was more hydrated than I have ever been in my entire life, and over the first 12 miles of the race I think I ran to the woods to answer the call of nature 67 times (ok maybe only 8, but isn't that bad enough? Even for a Caldwell?). Either way, we were on a roll, running through the town towards the entrance to the town of Kitty Hawk. Around Mile four, we came around a corner and saw Betsy, Trinity and Colvin waiting there cheering us on. So I took a moment and ran over and gave Cole a big thank you kiss, Trini a appreciative pat and gave Betsy a big thank you before running to catch up with Greg and head off toward the town of Kill Devil Hills. Around Mile 8.5 we reached the Wright Bros. momument on Kill Devil Hill, running around the monument before seeing Betsy and Cole again, this time with Rachel and Casper (of course)! Cole was sleeping this time (making Greg and I extremely jealous!), once again cheering us up and cheering us on. We continued winding through the neighborhoods, taking in the incredible spectators with their pirate costumes and cheering, before entering a state park on the Sound side of the island, where we started a 3 mile stretch on dirt. It was hardpacked, so it wasn't so bad, but around mile 2.5 of the dirt it started into some small climbs and descents and my left knee started telling me it didn't agree

After reuniting with Mike, we all headed back to the house to shower (Mike had the quote of the day saying he smelled like weekold seafood, yeah theres a image for ya), to relax, have some pizza, watch the Patriots pull one out over the Bills and just all hang out together for a bit. We were rewarded when we got home with ribbons and banners and signs congratulating us all. This was in addition to the girls hand made shirts cheering us on and Colvin's onesie that said "my dad is rockin OBX!!! In the case of the onesie, Betsy was going to have it say "my dad is Ba-rockin' the OBX" but figured one big electoral win was enough without rubbing it in. Cole on the other hand disagreed (he is going to be a stubborn little stinker that one!!! It was too short a time haning out before Mike and Rachel had to hit the road (he worked today) and Greg, Heather and the girls went over to the beach again (Greg is the man. I can I say that again? Sure, Greg is the man.) I on the other hand stayed at home, watching football while little Beelzebub (did you forget him?) was quiety recruiting, eventually pulling my hips (Romulus and Remus), thighs (Lucifer and Mordecai) and my calves (Karl and Rove). Following his highly successful mutiny, Betsy and I decided to take Cole, who was not interested in napping, much less staying even remotely still (maybe he should have run the entire marathon?) on a walk to the pier to watch the sunset and then over to the supermarket to get some food for dinner (ok in actuality it was for Aleve, but whose counting?). Greg and Heather caught us just as we were leaving and decided to meet us there. The Satanic crew cursed me on every step, but like a good God-fearing soldier, I marched on and was rewarded with a spectacular sunset with some great friends and my family.
We returned home and ate left over pasta and played with the kids (as much as Satan's Siblings would allow for me), and then after putting the kids to bed, hung out, drinking a beer and just chatting. It is trully amazing the sacrifices that the ladies make for us to do these silly races (in my case I get to return the favor) and I wanted to make sure I made it quite clear how appreciative I, and I am sure Greg and Mike are for that. Our evening winding down and Beelzebanditto crying foul, we headed down to sleep, of which Cole was having none of. However, my head hit the pillow and I was gone for this world.
Monday began with me sleeping in until 8, getting up and slowly getting our stuff together and hitting the road. I made the comment to Betsy that my knee was feeling less possessed, actually allowing me to walk up the stairs, but alas I spoke too soon, Beelzebub was just still aslumber. We hopped in the car and headed out for the 6 hour drive home. Thank GOD I work for the Federal Government and have tomorrow off (seems pretty sad that me, some schlub who spent the weekend running myself into the ground and paying for the privelege, gets Veterans day off, while our American Service Men and Women fight on despite the day in their honor). Anyway, 6 hours cramped in the car without much movement is apparently NOT the way to pay appropriate homage to The Fallen Angels Gang and they were sure to air their frustrations with my lack of manners with me. Hopefully tomorrow will greet me with a bit less brimstone and more incense, but either way, I now have a really fun race memory, partnering with and helping one (notice that there is something missing here? Spanky can you hear me? Of course you can't you went crying to your room you little woman...) of my best friends to complete one of the hardest and most physically demanding accomplishments in the world, while racing with another of my closest friends and getting to hang out with some of my favorite people and by far the best little girls I know in the whole wide world for a nice long weekend. Years back, I will look back fondly on these days from my wheel chair and once more I will lower my head and with a smirk tell Beelzebub one more time to go f*#k himself...
Sunset over the Sound...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Quick easy run
I was planning on going running with Colvin upon getting home from work, but wouldn't you know it that as soon as he was in the carrier and out in the jogging stroller that it started to rain. So after running a short distance, I had to turn around and bring Cole back in to mama. After dropping the boy off, I then got started again. I didn't feel that great, but kept going anyway. My running shoes started to give me a blister on my big toe on my left foot, which makes me really nervous since these were going to be the shoes I was going to run the marathon in... hmmm... now I don't know which shoes to wear, the ones that I did all my long runs with, but gave me a blister today after only 3 miles or the ones that I just bought, feel good, but I have only run 26 TOTAL miles (over a series of 5 or 6 runs) in. Such a conundrum... Anyway, we leave tomorrow afternoon for the Outer Banks of North Carolina (we are staying at a rental house in Nags Head, which it so happens is right on the coures!). Check out the website! And keep your eyes peeled Sunday for Greg and my results!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Afternoon run (5.3 miles)
I have my big proposal presentation tomorrow afternoon, so I left work early to get some quiet to do some reading and practice my talk a bit more. So after going through my talk when there was a break in the rain, I got out onto the road and got a 5.3 mile run in. Felt pretty good, took it easy since I have the marathon this Sunday, but overall it was a pretty productive run. Burned off some anxiety about the election and proposal whcih was of course good! Afterwards, Betsy and I ran down to the National Harbor in Oxon Hill, MD to get our free Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream CONE!!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Betsy's first mountain bike ride since Colvin!
Well right after church this morning, Betsy and I hopped over to Rosaryville State Park to go mountain biking. Betsy hasn't been mountain biking since before Cole was born! I think it has actually been over a year! Anyway, she went first, finishing the 8.4 mile loop in a bit over an hour and had a great time, realizing what she has been missing out there again! I stayed back with Cole, passing time singing to him, walking around the parking lot and rocking in the car until Betsy returned. ONce back, I took off again and had a great ride. There were a ton of people out there, from hikers on some scavenger hunt, to a couple trail runners and then of course the typical mountain bikers. Therefore, it was a bit congested, yet still I was able to maintain about 10 mph and was able to incorporate the additional technical section (about 2 miles long) for a total of a 10.6 mile route! Great weather too, cool, with a light breeze and in the 50's.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Running with Colvin and Betsy!
Went for my last, 'long' run before the marathon next Sunday down in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. We started off at the bathrooms on the Mt. Vernon Trail just south of mile marker 8, running up to the 8 mile mark and then down to the 5 mile mark then back. I was pushing Cole in the jogging stroller, while Betsy stuck with me. It was quite chilly, but after a mile or so, we warmed up and it didn't seem so bad. We both felt really good to the point that on the final mile Betsy asked if we wanted to push harder and get in the last mile in at about 8 min/mile pace, which we did! First time that Betsy has gone this long on a run since Colvin was born, so to be feeling that good at the end was quite a confidence boost for her. As a reward, we met Elana and Tara over at the Old Town Alexandria Farmer's market afterwards, grabbing some apples and pears, some Obama for President stickers, some brussel sprouts and a couple ham and cheese scones! Great morning, with us then walking around Georgetown for the afternoon, before heading home and reading out in our back yard. Good day!
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2010 Efforts!
This year, like last year, I will be riding for Mary Payton's Miracle - My friend Steve Kogos from Trigators informed me that his friend Joe's daughter, Mary Payton, was diagnosed a number of years back with Late Infantile Batten Disease. This is a disease with no cure, however, there are special experimental (and extremely expensive) treatments which have shown some significant signs of success! In order to assist with the costly treatments and research, Mary Payton's Miracle was created to raise money to find a cure, hopefully in time to save little Mary Payton as well as the many others affected by this terrible disease!
Total Mileage
Current Challenges
Valid 2/1-12/1/2009