Running without Trinity for the first time in a long time. Poor girl apparently broke her TOE! So therefore I am without a running partner for a few weeks. Of course by then I might have a new partner with its own carriage to run with! Really humid, even after the rain and didn't feel great, yet oddly kept sub 8 min miles the whole way. Overall good run.
Donation Totals
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Crappy Ride; bee stings, rougue deer, rough roads

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Mtn Biking at Rosaryville State Park
Mtn biking at Rosaryville. There were a lot of changes to the course, but the two main log crossings were removed... not happy. Good ride overall though, got going at a good pace and felt strong throughout. After seeing Betsy and Trinity on my way in from the first loop, headed back out to catch back up with her. Continued on past her and then turned around at about 1.2 miles and met her back at the parking lot. Overall good end to a fun ride.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Long Run - 11 miles

out for a run
Running with Trinity before dinner. Felt pretty good, hence the quickening pace during each subsequent miles 8:15, 8:06, 8:00, 8:06, 7:57, 7:31 (8:02 overall). Was pretty warm, but was just a great day for a run. Got in 5.4 miles and felt really good, despite the longer ride yesterday!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Beautiful Day, Wonderful Ride... These are the days when its easy!

Friday, May 23, 2008
Running with the little one
Thought I would run 6 miles today, but I have been having issues with my left knee. There is a tightness behind my knee, not sure what it is, but it kept me from finishing and I cut it short at 4 miles. Felt pretty crappy overall, hopefully my bike ride tomorrow will go better!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Great ride, almost 20mph over 28 miles...
Going for the Mt. Carmel ride before Karen (mother-in-law) arrived. Really felt good getting started and lasted through until hit the head wind on the way home. Kept strong most of the way but died out a bit towards the end. Still set a PR for the course by over a min. Avg cad 88. Burned 1825 calories! Appears the change in bike fit really helped.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
getting in a 6.4 mile run
Running with Trinity for a longer run. Trying to keep HR around 160 bpm to ensure that I didn't drive Trinity too hard and wanted to get the max benefit from calorie burning. Felt pretty good most of the way, but ate some pineapple earlier and WHOOO-WEEEE was I gassy!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Recovery run with Trinity.
Got my replacement HR monitor today, and kept a fairly even HR of around 156 bpm during the majority of the run. Felt fairly good, although not tip top. Perhaps the two cookies at lunch threw my blood sugar out of whack, because I felt pretty close to bonking by the end.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Personal Record on Accokeek Loop!
Running with Trinity. Started off easy early on, after an 8 min mile 1, finished with a 7:40,7:38 and a 7:11 min miles. Felt pretty strong and didn't labor until the very end. Can't wait to get my HR monitor back and to hit Track practice again this week. The baby is due in a month, so gotta get my hardest work in now!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Last post about Medicine Bow

Below to the left is another group shot. From left to Right (almost following height) is Todd, me, Sharka (another friend of mine from NRL that Orest and I work with on a number of projects) and again, Uly. To the right is a shot of a small cabin and the mountains in the background that we saw as we were exiting the park. Around this point Sharka found a frisbee that I brought home as a gift for my mini-rottweiler Trinity.
Hiking in Medicine Bow Nat'l Forest Wyoming con't

Below to the left you can see another closeup shot. Isn't she fantastic? At this point I had stopped photographing her and had to take a wizz, I guess she heard it and was a bit interested as she turned toward the sound! To the right is another beautiful image of the incredible scenery within the forest.

Hiking in Medicine Bow Nat'l Forest Wyoming

The rock formations were phenomenal, everything appeared to be a number of smaller boulders held together by friction and gravity making up such a huge rock formation. This one we all felt looked like an old man. A replacement for the Man in the Mountain from Vermont? To the right is a photo of a beaver dam (there were tons) that we saw during the hike. The scenery was fantastic.
Been a crappy workout week, but decent ride today
Riding the Mt Carmel ride with a few changes. Started off really congested, like I used to have with allergies. Oddly it has rained every day the past week, so pollen counts are really low, so perhaps molds are my problem? Anyway, could hardly breath for the first 8 miles or so, but then the congestion cleared and loosened up a lot. Felt pretty good for the rest until the end when my shoulder started to hurt again. Really need to work on strengthening my core so my shoulder won't be an issue. Overall I felt a bit better about the new bike positioning.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Great >20mph ride!
riding on road for the first time since the bike fit change. Felt really good, had my first ride over 20mph without a draft to help since I moved to Maryland! After this ride, now I know I can deal with the fit for longer rides in the future. Did have some issues breathing though. Perhaps after being in DRY DRY DRY Wyoming since Monday the humidity got to me?
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Running with the little one again!
Running with Trinity out Accokeek Access Loop. Felt really good and was amazed how easy it was to get going. Miles in approx. 8:14, 7:43, 7:32, 6:23 and last bit in 1:22. Great run and set new PR...
Friday, May 9, 2008
on the trainer again...
Raining again, so the trainer again... this makes what four days in a row. Anyway, I did the Spinervals Suffer-O-Rama workout... wow forgot how tough that was! Anyway, had a great workout on the new bike fit and felt pretty good. Need to get out on the road to really test it though!
Results from Catholic University Triathlon!
Well apparently the race director for the Catholic University Triathlon (back in MARCH!!!) had a computer virus and therefore lost the results... however, his IT guy at CUA finally salvaged them! Good NEWS!!! I came in 9th overall! 3rd in my age group with a time 1:19:31. Hopefully photos will be posted soon!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Trainer while getting fit
Did my workout during the time while the fit technician was sizing me up and adjusting my bike to fit better. Got a bit of work on the trainer while there. He raised and pushed back my seat, flipped my stem, lowered my handle bars and leveled my seat. Got my position to be something more in line with a road bike as opposed to a time trial or triathlon bike. Going to hit the roads tomorrow to see how I feel!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Recovery again
So I may have overestimated how quickly I would recover from the hard ride this weekend. Therefore hopped on the bike trainer and did the recharge Spinervals workout today. I am going to get a bike fit at Capital Hill Bikes tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully I can solve the issues with the back, quad and shoulder pain I have been experiencing. We will see!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Recover, Recover and definitely Recover
Well the legs are a bit tired. Therefore, after taking the dogs for a walk with Betsy, hopped on the trainer and did the Spinervals Recovery and Technique workout. Felt ok, but still really tight.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
US Air Force Cycling Classic!!!

US Air Force Cycling Classic Participatory Ride. This was prior to the service academy time trial race and the professional race this afternoon. Had a good ride, had 3.5 hours to finish a metric century on the windy and hilly course through Arlington. However, my GPS decided to not work today SOOOO... I don't have any details of my ride other than that it took me 3:09 to finish the 8 loops, for an avg speed of 19.7 mph. This was my fastest and longest ride of the year! Had some shoulder issues and some issues with the boys falling asleep, not to mention hitting a 1/2 foot deep pot hole, but overall, it was a great fun ride! Betsy took some great photos, Hope you enjoy them!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Out on a hot humid day with Trinity
Running with the little one on the new extended course. Tried to keep it easy at about an 8:30 pace as I didn't want to work too hard before the race on Sunday. However, with the heat it was still really tough. Still can't figure out why my HR monitor keeps screwing up either.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
On Trainer - tapering before the weekend ride
Spinervals Recharge. Taking it easy before race. Will probably do the other recovery workout tomorrow. Want to keep my legs loose by spinning, not working too hard. Overall, good solid workout, burned 754 calories and got those legs moving!
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2010 Efforts!
This year, like last year, I will be riding for Mary Payton's Miracle - My friend Steve Kogos from Trigators informed me that his friend Joe's daughter, Mary Payton, was diagnosed a number of years back with Late Infantile Batten Disease. This is a disease with no cure, however, there are special experimental (and extremely expensive) treatments which have shown some significant signs of success! In order to assist with the costly treatments and research, Mary Payton's Miracle was created to raise money to find a cure, hopefully in time to save little Mary Payton as well as the many others affected by this terrible disease!
Total Mileage
Current Challenges
Valid 2/1-12/1/2009