Donation Totals
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Spinervals Recharge
doing recharge Spinervals workout, 3x30s warmup, then 5X3 min steady interval and 5x1 min steady intervals then 3X30s increasing cadence every 10s. After the hard workout yesterday, just wanted to loosen up some and go easy.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
On the Trainer
Soooo, after having to work late last night, decided to make up for it and do a longer bike. Did the Spinerval's 90 min Totally Time Trial, after some warmup sprints, has 4X15 min intervals simulating a 40K time trial. Wow, 1900 calories burned and I am exhausted... Haven't been able to sleep when I've gone to bed the last couple nights, hoping this ensures that doesn't happen again!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Running with Trinity at home

I haven't mentioned it before, but for Christmas 2006 Betsy got me a Garmin Edge 305, a GPS unit for biking and in my case for running as well. Comes with a HR monitor and speed and cadence sensors, so for a science dork like me it is ideal. Shown to the left is a map of the route from Google Earth. It is a 4.1 mile course with minimal hills, but is lit at night so it is usually a good run when it is dark out (which is everyday during the week when I get home!). Anyway, thought I would add it in here for those interested!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Remembering William Bennett on my run

Running on the trail with Trinity in Charlottesville again before going out to brunch at my former Rugby Coach Steve Giuffre's restaurant, Timberwood Grill. Incredible food, great company (really good to see Steve and meet his kids and parents), great run, overall wonderful trip to Karen's. Betsy and Karen spread the ashes of their old dog Roger (Bill's last dog, a German Shepherd) at the same spot in the woods that Bill always went on his walks too. The same spot where we spread Bill's ashes shortly after his death in 2004.
Bill died of internal injuries sustained during a fall during one of his walks, but Alzheimer's was what we remember as his biggest challenge. It was terrible to see him go, easily one of the most difficult times in our lives, but in some ways it was a blessing for him to avoid the long slow descent associated with Alzheimer's. Its times like these that I remember why I try to do such charity work.
Bill Bennett, VP of Bank of New York, wonderful father, devoted husband, beloved story teller, outdoorsman, extremely generous, free with advice or assistance and just an overall great role model for a kid just getting married looking for a way to be a success in both his personal and professional life. He is missed everyday. Glad we could bring Roger to you, hope you enjoy having your partner on all those walks in the woods I know your taking...
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Running in Charlottesville
So we came out to visit Betsy's mom this weekend and so biking is out! Therefore went for a nice 4 mile run this morning in the 30 degree weather and got acclimated to running on hills again! WOW forgot how much those little 'bumps' in the road can influence your running difficulty! Anyway, Trinity was really happy that she got to go, she was still angry with me for cutting our last run short! Will hopefully get to get another run in tomorrow morning before we head back to DC.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
On the Trainer... AGAIN!
SO it is supposed to snow again so I was on the trainer again! Did the Spinervals Team Zoot High Intensity Workout. Plenty of high cadence (>120) work in and out of the saddle! WOW that will tire you out! Great workout though!
First Challenge!
So Phil Thompson, a scientist I work with has decided to challenge me! The deal is, for every mile he runs, it reduces his donation! He figured out how much he thinks he will run this year and I figured out the middle point of my proposed charity miles and we came up with:
0.18*JoshMiles - 2.24*PhilMiles=$200>donation>$0!
Let me know if you want to challenge me as well!
0.18*JoshMiles - 2.24*PhilMiles=$200>donation>$0!
Let me know if you want to challenge me as well!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
On the Trainer today (Snowing outside!)
So got on the trainer today. Did a 1 hour 'Spinervals' workout called Heavy Gear Challenge, which is a strength workout spent almost entirely in the hardest gearing, getting up out of the saddle for long stretches with some lunges thrown in the middle. Once again, they promised a tiring workout... And I got it!
New Donors!
Over the past two days we got 5 new donors! Hopefully we can keep this momentum up! Please feel free to forward on this site address to anyone you think would be interested! Up for tonight is an hour on the bike trainer (it will be snowing this evening!)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Running and a walk
So went for a short run, just to loosen up. Got in about 4 miles easy. Tomorrow will be hopping on the bike again. Trini wished we did more... maybe later this week...
Monday, February 18, 2008
Riding on a gorgeous day
So being that I work for the government, of course I had today, President's Day off. Well around here in Southern MD, the weather is incredible; about 64 degrees and sunny. It was however quite windy (gusts from SE up to 25 mph). So considering this was my first ride outside (not on the trainer in my basement) since last November, was pretty happy with the 18 mph avg on a pretty hilly course (974 ft of elevation with two hills >15% grade) over the 28.19 mile ride. Ride I know well that I have always enjoyed. Really miss biking outside, makes the hours on the trainer worthwhile... well almost!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
New Donor!
Just got my first donation pledge from my parents! This doubles the donation that Betsy and I made, so a decent start! Won't you join us?!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
1st Post!
Well despite this being my first blog post, that doesn't mean I haven't been riding and running! Because of the weather, I haven't been able to bike all that much, most of it being spent indoors on the trainer working out to Spinervals Videos, but those interval workouts are like a 3 hour ride crammed into 50 min! To this point, I have ridden 99.5 miles and run 42 miles for the year, including the past week and a 1/2 where I couldn't do anything due to the Flu.
OF course when I had the flu, just getting up to go to the bathroom felt like running a marathon, so does that count???
OF course when I had the flu, just getting up to go to the bathroom felt like running a marathon, so does that count???
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2010 Efforts!
This year, like last year, I will be riding for Mary Payton's Miracle - My friend Steve Kogos from Trigators informed me that his friend Joe's daughter, Mary Payton, was diagnosed a number of years back with Late Infantile Batten Disease. This is a disease with no cure, however, there are special experimental (and extremely expensive) treatments which have shown some significant signs of success! In order to assist with the costly treatments and research, Mary Payton's Miracle was created to raise money to find a cure, hopefully in time to save little Mary Payton as well as the many others affected by this terrible disease!
Total Mileage
Current Challenges
Valid 2/1-12/1/2009